An Antidote is a term we use when something has disrupted your body’s reaction to the homeopathic medicine. This will be something that has disturbed your nervous system. It may come 1-14 days after your exposure to something only if you are sensitive to it. People have different levels of sensitivity.
This is the strongest of antidotes, 90% of all people will notice a disruption in improvement after exposure and the symptoms will return more completely.
Dental drilling or injection is most likely to antidote. Ultrasound or superficial grinding may not antidote. 70% of people will show symptoms in days to weeks after significant drilling. 30% of people will show no signs of disturbance.
The more toxic the solvent is to your nervous system and the more sensitive your system is, the more likely you will experience a disturbance in days to weeks after an exposure. This is also related to the amount of time that you are exposed for. Masks help filter out droplet inhalation, but not fine vapors. Art paints are fine to use.
Only use antibiotics when needed. If an herbal formulation or acute homeopathic medicine suffices it is less likely to antidote. Antibiotics are advised when necessary.
Caffeine is OK to take. Chemicals in coffee other than caffeine seem to cause people trouble by antidoting after a certain number of cups. The antidoting substances such as: Xanthines, Theobromines, Benzenes.
It is imperative to abstain from use for a while until we identify that your system is definitely responding vigorously to the homeopathic preparation we selected. Some people can tolerate coffee better than others. In sensitive people, coffee may be a problem the whole time while on treatment. You can test out your sensitivity once your remedy has not been changed for 4 months. Coffee desserts are usually fine as long as the concentration is not great.
4105 Soquel Dr. Ste. A
Soquel, CA 95073
Monday – Friday
7:30am – 6:00pm
Open every other Saturday
8:00am – 1:00pm
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