Sun damage is one of the most common factors to age our skin. When UV light penetrates too far into our dermal layer, it breaks down collagen and elastin, resulting in a reduction of skin elasticity and an overall appearance of aging, fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation, sun spots, and a degraded texture. Thankfully, RF Needling or Pixel CO2 laser treatments can remove summer sun damage with little to no downtime.
Most micro-needling treatments create micro-injuries to the skin with hair-thin needles, using the body’s own healing process to fill in new cells and reduce skin damage with new growth. At Trilogy Medical & Aesthetics, our RF Needling treatment uses ultrasound technology and advanced radiofrequency energy to penetrate sun damaged skin without needles to stimulate collagen and elastin production and heal damaged cells dried out and discolored by the sun.
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Because our technology doesn’t penetrate the skin with needles, patients can avoid the painful bruising and sunburn-like effects micro-needling treatments can produce. The RF energy is delivered more deeply, so more damaged skin is healed than with other procedures, chemical peels, or topical treatments.
The Pixel CO2 laser treatment is another non-surgical option for reversing the effects of lasting sun damage. Using both ablative and non-ablative technology, the Pixel CO2 laser treatment resurfaces the topmost layer of the skin using thermal energy. This has the combined effect of removing damaged and dead skin cells as well as stimulating collagen and elastin production. The immediate result is smoother, softer skin and over time, fine lines and wrinkles fill in with new cell growth while the underlying collagen contracts, giving skin a tighter, more youthful appearance.
Stem Cell Serum added to either procedure has the benefit of more collagen production and increased skin cell growth. An at-home stem cell topical serum can be applied for 60 days to ensure your skin has everything it needs to recover from sun damage, and give you back your youthful glow.
Interested in learning more about RF Needling or Pixel CO2 treatments? Schedule your consultation with Trilogy Medical & Aesthetics today by requesting an appointment or calling us at (831) 600-8117.
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