At Trilogy Medical & Aesthetics, we believe the body is amazing in its capacity to heal. While Western medicine does the best it can to treat disease and alleviate symptoms, the body is capable of so much more when Western medicine and holistic practices are combined.
Our Integrative Medicine approach to healing and restoration supports the body’s amazing ability to relieve symptoms and naturally recover balance to the immune system, the nervous system, the digestive system, the hormonal system, and the cardiovascular system. The best part of combining a holistic approach with a modern medical approach is that side effects are virtually nil because it works with your body instead of overriding its natural healing processes.
Our medical staff, led by Dr. Lester, take the best of modern medicine and holistic medicine to provide our patients with topnotch care and attention. We offer state-of-the art Integrative Medicine treatments, such as pairing stem cell therapy with Constitutional Prescribing Homeopathy to get to the root cause of illnesses instead of addressing only symptoms, our Harmony XL Pro laser procedures with our Medical Weight Management Lean To Wellness program and Bioidentical Hormone Balancing Therapies with Hormone Receptor repair.
We believe so strongly in our Integrative Medicine approach that we offer training to other medical professionals seeking to learn more about homeopathic medicine and how it best works with traditional therapies. Our California Academy of Homeopathic Medicine courses offer information on the mechanism in which homeopathy works, the remedies available for a variety of ailments, and video presentations specifying treatments for skin conditions, migraines, asthma, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, and more.
Whether you’re a patient seeking treatment for hormonal, cardio-metabolic, or aesthetic concerns, or a medical professional interested in integrating a homeopathic approach to your modern medical practices, Trilogy Medical & Aesthetics is here for you.
Interested in learning more about our Integrative Medicine approach to science-based natural healing? Schedule your consultation with Trilogy Medical & Aesthetics today by filling out the form on this page or by calling us at (831) 600-8117.
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